jillypoet: mom trying to write

Each day I wish I had invented waterproof sticky notes (for shower inspiration) or pen-friendly diapers to get down all my quirky thoughts that I am sure are relevant and publishable. And so God (actually another writer-mommy) sent me The Blog.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Poetry Gong - Poem 22

My Son Considers a Fallen Tree

I wrote this poem today. With my Poetry Gong partner, Carolee, on our weekly/semi-weekly writing date. Stay tuned for the next (read without a magnifying glass) version!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cool to see your handwriting and crossing out. Good luck with the gong stuff. It's a great challange. i like it better than nablopomo or whatever it's called. For one thing, "gong" sounds better. And it doesn't involve an arbitrary time frame, like November. And, anyone can do it. Nablopomo has the word "national" in it. Are there really nations on the internet?

6:13 PM  

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